Apply These Things and You Will Never Again Feel Disrespected by Your Boss

May 27, 2020


People often have problems in the workplace and that leaves them stressed out – both during and after working hours.

One of those problems that raise the level of anxiety is a lack of respect you have by your boss. It can have a great impact on your lifestyle – relationship, friendships, self-image, quality of your work and the list goes on.

If you are reading this, it means that you are stuck in this situation.

But don’t sweat it!

Here is the solution! 

Read several different ways for you to step up and overcome this obstacle, as well as how to UPGRADE the business relationship between you and your boss.

Start from the main thing why is it even happening, gathering strength and confronting the head, addressing the problem through self-reflection, and, if necessary, leaving the job. Separately or combined, there is no doubt that these will help you in this situation.

But Why Is This Happening? 

To live a good life – you need to have a job (in most cases).

Many bosses think you desperately need a job and that you will never quit because they are giving you a salary on time. 

Unfortunately, it’s sort of the truth.

But after being mistreated, employees will sooner or later quit the job. Without being aware that workers aren’t machines, any job can become a place of newcomers and quitters.

NOTE: Sometimes bosses aren’t conscious of their behaviors. That’s when AND ONLY WHEN an employee can step up and help them realize their mistakes.

In order to find what is the cause of that behavior in your case, continue reading, as we unreel the possible problems that you are facing.

The Moment of Truth

If you notice that your boss is doing things such as interrupting you in the middle of your sentence or rejecting your ideas before even considering them – something is going on.

Read our article: How To Identify a Toxic Boss: 17 Real-Life Situations

Here’s what you can do in these particular situations:

  • Wait until the executive finishes and politely say that you didn’t finish with your point. Then mention, using the same tone, that you have something more to add.

  • Ask in front of everyone why is your concept dismissed before thinking or discussing it. It may not be the most pleasant thing that you’ve done, but you have any right to request feedback on your performance as an employee. Again, in a polite manner.

You will feel so much better when you lay in bed that night saying to yourself “Man, I rock!”. The hack here is to accept that you will go through some moments of unpleasant talk but you will pick up your reward feelings later.

Little Conversation Never Killed Nobody… Right?

Going straight to the core of the problem can save you the time and sleepless nights you might have while questioning what and when things go wrong.

  • Approach your boss and say that you want to have a conversation. Schedule it and show up on time. Take a high way and stay polite, while avoiding unkind words and emotions such as tears and yelling.
  • Avoid having ’’the talk’’ in the middle of the hallway. That way, you will have your employer’s full attention. Plus, there’s a higher chance that he/she will be more honest when you find yourselves face-to-face, rather than looking over your shoulder and thinking what will other co-workers say.

Is It My Fault? 

Try to remember have you ever talked behind the boss’s back with a colleague that is known as a backbiter? If so, maybe it’s got to the chief’s ears. If you started feeling disrespected after having that conversation, you’ve likely found the source of your problems.

  • Talk to the colleague that you’ve had that conversation with: ask if he/she’s experienced the same or told someone about what you talked about;

  • Talk to your other colleagues: ask them if they’ve noticed it or if they are feeling the same way as you. That way, you will be able to observe the situation from a different angle.

  • Ask yourself if you have done or have been doing something wrong. Perhaps you’ve forgotten to do something that your boss told you or you have been late several times and it didn’t go unnoticed.

Switch The Lanes

If you can say that you tried EVERYTHING: from observing, asking around, proving yourself, to direct conversations with the boss – and still got nowhere – you may consider changing your job.

It’s in our nature to strive being better and make progress, especially at work. That is pretty hard if you have a boss that makes you want to quit. 

Consider your options and start searching for a job that will no longer make you miserable. If you are doing your best at work and it’s still not good enough for the leader – he or she is doing you a favor!

Read our article: Simple 5-Steps Guide: I Love My Job But I Hate My Boss

The final solution for you is to mention your idea about changing your job due to a current situation with your boss. If that doesn’t affect the current state – pack your things and leave.

From Zero To Hero

Now you’ve learned everything you need to know on how to fix a toxic, non-respectful contact with your employer.

Nevertheless, there are a few BONUS things you can do, to get your boss’s attention.

You can apply them even if you want to avoid having problems at work.

  • Early bird: Instead of running into the office one minute before the official working hour starts, try showing up early; this way, you will show that you are ready for work, plus if you are a coffee lover, you will have enough time to finish your cup before the busy day starts.

  • Idea hamster: Take part in conversations and business projects; show that you are interested in being a part of the team instead of being that one silent kid that used to sit and sleep in the corner of the classroom during the class at school.

  • Party starter: Well, don’t start a party at work, yet show your enthusiasm for the new project, your ideas, and solutions for problems; it will certainly leave your superior wondering about you and your position in the team, and he/she may start valuing you more.

Last, but not least one: Never be late! Especially when you’re having a difficult time with your boss; it can only worsen the situation you are in. As a matter of fact, you could try staying, for example, 10 minutes after the working hours; that way, when everyone storms out right when they hear the sound of a cuckoo clock, your boss will notice that you’ve stayed. And that’s a huge plus!

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