Dying Boss Learns a Lesson: Let’s Analyze This Video

January 3, 2020


I have recently seen this video by Rob Dial. It is very powerful and certainly shifts your thoughts about kindness.

Watch it and let’s discuss it together:

This act of kindness is something special. It is not for everybody. I wanted so strongly to share it with you because of one thing… 

I want to talk to the people here who felt bad after finishing the video and not feeling like they would do the same. 

Are you a bad person?

The answer is simple, no. The video is actually transmitting a strong message. Always be kind, you do not know what the other person is going through.

That is true. But I can relate with people who are under a toxic boss. 

Their world is very tough. They may be going through some severe anxiety problems and panic attacks, having a nervous stomach, headaches, crying when coming home after work. These things change you and we should never diminish these things.

There are certainly other ways you may show your toxic boss the right way in life, but you shouldn’t do something for which you would regret after. If you feel like doing some great act of kindness than you should do it but if you do not feel like that, please do not. You will put so heavy lift on your shoulders and you do not need that.

You spend so much time with that person and you are giving in so much: your time, your youth, your life, your brain… Everything. You work so hard and receive nothing in return. Very often, you receive only bad output and passive-aggressive behavior. It is very hard to imagine anyone, after going through this, offering his toxic boss to be his donator. 

So, do not feel bad about that. It is ok. You are fine. You are still a good person.

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