Quiz: Is my boss really toxic?

February 5, 2023


Do you ever feel stressed, undervalued, or unsupported in your workplace? It could be that your boss is exhibiting toxic behavior. In order to determine if your boss is a toxic boss, it’s important to be aware of the warning signs. This quiz consists of 12 questions that can help you identify if your boss is creating a negative work environment for you or others. By answering these questions, you can better understand your situation and take the necessary steps to protect your well-being and professional success.

    What to do when you feel disrespected by your boss?

    Here is a quiz to determine if your boss is a toxic boss:

    1. Does your boss frequently criticize or belittle you in front of others?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    2. Does your boss give vague or unrealistic expectations and deadlines?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    3. Does your boss take credit for your work or dismiss your contributions?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    4. Does your boss micromanage your work or not trust you to do your job?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    5. Does your boss engage in bullying, harassment, or discrimination towards you or others in the workplace?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    6. Does your boss make unreasonable demands or expect you to work outside of regular hours without compensation?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    7. Does your boss play favorites, creating a hostile and unequal work environment?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    What to do when you feel disrespected by your boss?

    8. Does your boss frequently change the rules or expectations without explanation or communication?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    9. Does your boss ignore your ideas, suggestions, or feedback without giving a reason?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    10. Does your boss spread rumors, gossip, or manipulate situations to benefit themselves or harm others?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    11. Does your boss display passive-aggressive behavior or make negative comments disguised as jokes?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    12. Does your boss make you feel guilty, ashamed, or responsible for issues that are not your fault?

    a. Yes

    b. No


    If you answered “yes” to three or more questions, your boss may be exhibiting toxic behavior that can negatively impact your work environment and well-being. It is important to consider seeking support from HR or other resources to address any toxic behavior in the workplace.

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