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toxic boss


Welcome to the Toxic Boss Help Community, the place where you will reveal the new approaches on how to feel empowered at your workplace.

What to do when you feel disrespected by your boss?

If you are here, chances are you have a toxic boss. You are not the only one.

For almost 6 years, I got to deal with my toxic boss. During that period I went through so many phases. From identifying this behavior, dealing with it and finally coping with it.

I have read so many books written by Ph.D. doctors, psychologists, therapists about workplace bullying but the truth is – they won’t offer you real-life strategies on how to solve the problem. If you have read some of those books yourself, you know what I am talking about.

This was driving me crazy so I decided to find tactics, try them in real-life situations and filter those that work great, all by myself.

I am not a psychologist or therapist only an ordinary woman who was bullied for almost 6 years so I had plenty of time to develop powerful tactics to win the game we call the job.

I will help you go through the process from which you will come out as a winner. I will teach you how having a toxic boss is a privilege from which you will get so many benefits.

If I made it, anyone can.


Your professional growth is blocked

One thing even more important then the paycheck is your growth. If you have a toxic boss, he/she is probably blocking you from thriving so the value you get from your job is way too small. Many of us forget that your job should bring you more benefits than the money. Money is not enough in modern age.

Your personal relationships are affected

As hard as you try, you just can’t leave that toxic relationship at your workplace. It will interfere with your personal life. When this starts happening, the alarm in you should go on. Personal relationships are essential for being happy in life, this is proven by many scientists, your job shouldn’t ruin that for you.

Your brain changes in a hostile environment

When being every day with a person who tends to bully you, your brain reacts and starts sending the signals to your body that you need protection. The manifestation of these signals may vary but you will start to feel exhausted and drained of all energy. 40% of people with toxic bosses are believed to suffer adverse health effects.


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