What to Do: My Boss Doesn’t Give Clear Instructions

March 27, 2021


Having clear instructions on how to get the job done at your workplace can save you quite some time and trouble. On the other hand, not having them properly introduced and explained can put you in a very unenviable position.

It usually results in not having a task checked off on your to-do list and leaves you frustrated with possibly missed deadlines or poorly finished tasks.

And who is it to blame?

my boss doesn't give clear instructions

Even if you have a fine magician’s skills – you can’t read your boss’s mind.

The employers want to have the job done by the employees, but they often forget or even don’t explain how that job should be done.

It is good to know that this is a very common thing. People often find themselves in dilemma at work, no matter if it’s a newbie or an expert we are talking about.

But how to deal with a lack of information at your workplace?

From A to Z, we will introduce several ways for you to take initiative and deal with vague directions, and perhaps through this guide launch your career even further.

Step #1 Ask For More

So the most important thing is to get the wheels turning. Bosses will always be bosses – if the job isn’t done, you will be the one to blame. Relying on him/her seems quite impossible. Since you are already left with a problem you’ve got to solve by yourself, you have to make sure that progress is under its way.

The easiest way to achieve that is to ask at the moment. Whether if it’s right after the meeting or after reading an e-mail with vague instructions, approach your employer with concrete questions about it.

Here’s exactly how:

  • Read your notes about the project multiple times
  • Extract part(s) that confuses you
  • Make a list with questions regarding things you are insecure about
  • Face your supervisor and discuss the issue
my boss doesn't give clear instructions

Step #2 The Riddle Solver

Going straight for it and asking about a more specific directive resulted in failure? Don’t stress it!

There comes the time when you have to shift gears and do something bold. So the next thing for you to do is to assume what they want. It can be an effortless method if you decide to:

  • Check your synopsis and divide your assignment step-by-step
  • Write a problem and a possible solution for each step individually (if you have in mind
    more than one idea for each one, write them down – the more, the merrier!)
  •  Try doing each one and write down if it worked or not
  • If some of them didn’t work out, try with plan B or C, or try coming up with a different solution
  • In the end, keep your fingers crossed and wait to hear back from your superior!

The goal here is to make an effort and try to do things boldly and individually. It is not fair, it is not easy but it is not your fault for making the initiative to do the work.

my boss doesn't give clear instructions

Step #3 Co-Op Instead of Cop

You are falling through a rabbit hole with a bunch of other clueless Alices? Sometimes it’s good to know that you are not alone in it. Running to the HR manager and complaining about your colleagues can do you no good. But being a part of a team with people stuck in the same situation can. And you know why? Because from time to time everyone needs a wingman, so you and your co-workers might end up being closer. That can even make your future projects easier. Plus – two (or more) heads always think better than one!

  • As always, in the very beginning inspect those blurry and hazy instructions you’ve got from your employer – together!
  • Define the problematic parts and express your ideas about the possible solution – all of you, because every perception counts
  • Use those ideas to come up with one key that will unlock your problems
  • If there’s a hypothesis for the problem – there’s a moment to test it! Try implementing it in your troubled scenario
  • If you aren’t satisfied, talk through and change some elements, then test them again
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Step #4 Apologize instead of being angry

I know, I know… This is crazy! How can I apologize when my boss is the one to blame for this?!

But, if you want to play smarter, this is the step you should take. 

Look, we all know toxic bosses are so hard to manage, and sometimes (or is it better to say, oftentimes?) logic doesn’t actually work. So, let’s be open to trying something new and something completely opposite. 

Whenever you get the chance to see your boss or if you decide to write that mail, start by apologizing for being annoying or for interrupting her/him in important tasks they have. Bosses often refuse to admit they are not organized well so try to act like you completely understand them and act normal (even though you are angry with them).

Crack the joke if you are in the mood, these things always help even with the most grumpy toxic bosses.

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