How to Tell if Your Boss is a Gaslighter: 12 Signs

How to Tell if Your Boss is a Gaslighter: 12 Signs   How To Section FollowFollowFollow Are you doubting whether your boss is gaslighting you? These 12 signs may help you figure it out. 1. They constantly question your memory. “I swear I never said that”...

When to Leave a Toxic Boss: 3 Real-Life Situations

When to Leave a Toxic Boss: 3 Real-Life Situations   Behavior Identification FollowFollowFollow We’ve all had those days when we dread going to work because of a difficult boss. But when does it become more than just a temporary inconvenience? When do you know...

What Does a Gaslighting Boss Look Like?

What Does a Gaslighting Boss Look Like?   Behavior Identification FollowFollowFollow If you’ve ever worked for a boss who made you doubt your own sanity, you might have encountered a gaslighting boss. These types of bosses use manipulation and mind games to...

How Do You Fix a Toxic Boss? 7 Real-Life Tactics

How Do You Fix a Toxic Boss? 7 Real-Life Tactics   How to Section FollowFollowFollow As anyone who has ever worked for a toxic boss knows, it can be a real drag. These types of bosses drain your energy, make you dread going to work, and can even harm your mental and...